So my friend Shawn is a great guy.
He is the kind of friend you want to have, he is funny, helpful, doesn't get hurt feelings about anything (and I mean anything), he will come over to your house at 9 in the evening to help you move a 300 lb tv down the stairs and claim he did all the work. Needless to say I am a lucky to have Shawn as my friend.
During softball I decided that Shawn was not a good enough spelling, so I changed it for him. He became Sean, Shon, Chean, Chawn, Shaun. Every time I changed his name he just got better. So we went a little crazier, Shajun, DeSean, LaShaun, CraShaun, Sejchuan, Shaunezy. What a good guy he just laughed about it and had a good time.
So the CSU Rams played UNLV last night, it was a big game. Shawn only comes to big games, he is a true fan. So ole Sejchuan shows up and sure enough we lose. Goddammit DeSean. Well what now, lets go drink our sorrows away, so Heavier, Shaun, Jess, Tyler, Jess, Mark, Gavin, Laura and I cruise down to old C's. Pissed me off because I took a short way and totally beat Gavin, but he dropped the girls off and still won. I hate Gavin.
We are now at Ole C's and drinking away the loss. Shaunezy is starting to get drunk. He does things he normally doesn't do, like talk back to his wife. We all know that Sean doesn't talk back to his wife. He starts carrying on and having a good time. Like a good friend I encourage Shaun to continue. Jess really likes me. Shaen is getting more and more drunk. Then it happens.
Ole Shajun decides that drinking your beer normal style is lame. By normal style I mean placing a frosty glass to you lips and pouring that cool refreshment down. So ole Seani says to himself, "Shejan, how can I be the coolest" in which Sain replies "I have an idea"
Next thing I know Shawn takes an entire 2 Below and tries to force feed his penis. Whole glass right on his pants. Classic Sean. Now Jess has to deal with her drunk husband who just literally got head from his beer. Poor Jess. So now Jess doesn't want to go out with her husband because he looks like I just played a prank on him with a warm glass of water at summer camp. Now the night is ruined.
Shean is a great great guy.
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