Friday, September 9, 2011

My Rams Song

CSU Rams Football

Its the most wonderful time of the year
With Pete a throwing
and Nwoke a rolling over the Bears
Its the most wonderful time of the year
The Mtn got Boise
An Auto bid is a-coming by the end of the year
Its the hap happiest season of all

Elijah Blu will be picking
and Raymond truck sticking
while the Rams are just winning
Judge Joe Brown a blocking
and Twiggy just clapping
With another Law touch down

Its the most wonderful time of the year
We first be the lobos
now the greeley hobos
next week the buffs
Its the most wonderful time of the year

Then down go the Aggies
Kick San Jose in the saggies
Taking on boise state 5 - 0
Its the most wonderful time of the year!

Monday, March 21, 2011

Movie Night in Salt Lake

I am a happy little camper over here in Salt :Lake City. It is so nice, the mountains make me feel like I am in Denver West.

What should I do when I am here by myself? hmm lets go see a movie that Heather never will see. Now that doesn't really nail down any movie you say to me. Heather usually hits up the 10 AM Sunday cinema for her movies. So I head down to the local cinema, get my ticket and grab a nice seat.

So I now need to put myself in the mind of the lady sitting next to me in the theater.

Here is my background: I am not terribly atractive, definately let my gym membership lapse, my husband is wearing a backwards KC Royals hat, and I have a 3 year old daughter.

So what movie do I want to watch on a Saturday Evening at 7 PM? Hmmm how about Battle Los Angeles. I remember my French teacher taught me that Battle means 'beautiful' and Los Angeles means 'the Lakers' so 'beautiful Lakers' must be a tearjerker about Kobe raping some girl.

So I get the pleasure of her having to listen to her shush her 3 year old through the whole movie and tell her daughter how bad she was behaving. I really wanted to harness my inner Tyson and yell "YOU ARE THE WORST PARENT IN THE WORLD!!! GET OUT!!"

So needless to say I have found the world's worst parents, but the movie was pretty good. I would highly recomend it.

Friday, March 18, 2011


My conversation I had with Shawn earlier

me:  So if you are really gay, who are you gay with? Who are your types of guys?
 Shawn:  fiene of course
 me:  Really? That is the kind of guy you like? I would have pegged you as someone who is tough...
 Shawn:  ok brandon
 me:  What do you want to do to Brandon?
 Shawn:  everything
when i saw him throw that boot at the cabbie
i got so wet
 me:  Really...
I guess this explains quite a bit about you
Does this explain why Jess treats you like her bitch?
 Shawn:  yes
it does
 me:  So you admit that your wife just pushes you around?
Ever consider her using a strap on?
 Sent at 10:25 AM on Friday
 Shawn:  sometimes
 me:  Wow, this really firms up some suspicions I had about you
 Shawn:  glad we had this chat
 me:  Anything else you would like to go on the blog?
Anything about Parker?
 Shawn:  that's all
Poor Poor Shawn

Sunday, February 20, 2011

My friend Shawn

So my friend Shawn is a great guy.

He is the kind of friend you want to have, he is funny, helpful, doesn't get hurt feelings about anything (and I mean anything), he will come over to your house at 9 in the evening to help you move a 300 lb tv down the stairs and claim he did all the work. Needless to say I am a lucky to have Shawn as my friend.

During softball I decided that Shawn was not a good enough spelling, so I changed it for him. He became Sean, Shon, Chean, Chawn, Shaun. Every time I changed his name he just got better. So we went a little crazier, Shajun, DeSean, LaShaun, CraShaun, Sejchuan, Shaunezy. What a good guy he just laughed about it and had a good time.

So the CSU Rams played UNLV last night, it was a big game. Shawn only comes to big games, he is a true fan. So ole Sejchuan shows up and sure enough we lose. Goddammit DeSean. Well what now, lets go drink our sorrows away, so Heavier, Shaun, Jess, Tyler, Jess, Mark, Gavin, Laura and I cruise down to old C's. Pissed me off because I took a short way and totally beat Gavin, but he dropped the girls off and still won. I hate Gavin.

We are now at Ole C's and drinking away the loss. Shaunezy is starting to get drunk. He does things he normally doesn't do, like talk back to his wife. We all know that Sean doesn't talk back to his wife. He starts carrying on and having a good time. Like a good friend I encourage Shaun to continue. Jess really likes me. Shaen is getting more and more drunk. Then it happens.

Ole Shajun decides that drinking your beer normal style is lame. By normal style I mean placing a frosty glass to you lips and pouring that cool refreshment down. So ole Seani says to himself, "Shejan, how can I be the coolest" in which Sain replies "I have an idea"

Next thing I know Shawn takes an entire 2 Below and tries to force feed his penis. Whole glass right on his pants. Classic Sean. Now Jess has to deal with her drunk husband who just literally got head from his beer. Poor Jess. So now Jess doesn't want to go out with her husband because he looks like I just played a prank on him with a warm glass of water at summer camp. Now the night is ruined.

Shean is a great great guy.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

That is just funny

Ok, so now you have read that story where do I even begin. First it said the guy was stabbed in the leg. Honestly who dies from getting stabbed in the leg. That is so weak. Second, how awesome is it that they now strap knives to chickens. I just never would expect that.

I can't wait for the next generation of animal fighting. They should definitely strap lasers to heads of pitbulls so they can enjoy a heated snack. How cool would it be if they attached razor blades to the tail of a jack russell and let it go in the mall.

All this speaks to in the American spirit spreading

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Aaron Rodgers

I have to say I am quite the Aaron Rodgers fan. First look at his roots: Cal. Nuff said.

So little Aaron began under the late great Brett Favre. But this wasn't Shirley and Levine more like Cane and Able. Favre hated Aaron, so he decided he would play longer than he should and try to get as much fame as possible so little Aaron never had a shot. Poor guy. Favre lied to him at practices and told him to throw the wrong routes. Poor Aaron. Favre told Aaron to take pics of his weiner and send them to cheerleaders. That actually worked out better for Aaron than Favre.

So Aaron had to start off this way. Finally ole Favre was taken to the farm and Aaron got his shot. And what a shot! Aaron lept into the controls of the Packers like Maximus taking the reigns of his chariot as the guy in the wicked mask slammed his bow staff into the wheel, shattering it into 100 pieces, leaving the chariot with only 1 wheel, where Maximus had to pull really hard on his steed and lean left, all while aiming his lance in the direction of the number 2 gladiator who had slowly risen to the ranks by hard work mining the field of Milan.

So now ole Aaron is leading this Packers team, and he has it going on. I mean the dude is stacked, I am sure he has a hot wife, my wife thinks he is hot, he rocks a stache for charity, and now he needs 1 more thing to put him over the top....


For all of you WWE fans, this is sick! Pretend you just watched Triple H rear naked choke slam Bruiser in the cage match and return to his feet and mimmick putting on the biggest damn gold belt you have ever seen. THIS IS WHAT RODGERS DOES! Yes! This celebration isn't just for TD's either my friend. I saw him do it to the cheerleader. THAT IS RAD! I bet she had to go the locker room for a clean uniform after that.

So in conclusion I can't wait for Aaron Rodgers to mop up the Steelers like Big Ben mopping up white trash rats to rape in Georgia. Go PACKERS and go Aaron

Friday, January 21, 2011

Why Marriage is great

I am so lucky, I am married. I found a great girl, did some shit that got her wet for me, sealed the deal and took her to the alter. YEY ME! Did the honeymoon shit, had some laughs got a dog, realized the dog was lame, got another dog. Other dog is a moron. So did I make the right decision?

Here is my life now:

AIIIGHKKE (My best Heather, or Shawn voice) how do I turn on the DVD player?
-- Turn it on, insert disk, press play
-- What steps have you taken?
OH I figured it out

Questions I hear every day that I had the priveledge hearing from my mom every day of Junior High, I miss you Lesher
1. Pick up your clothes
2. Clean your sink
3. Did you feed the dogs (I do every goddamn morning, so you don't need to ask again)
4. That doesn't match
5. Do I match? (Ironic because of the question above huh)

This is the exact fucking conversation I have every night

H: What do you feel like?
I: I don't care, you are the picky one, you choose
H: I don't know
I: How about breakfast for dinner
H: No, you always want that
I: Yes and you don't so I want it for a change
H: List something else
I: Moose - No; Chicken - No; hamburger - No; Llama - No; Tuna - No; Hunter - No
H: What about pork tenderloin
I: Anything works, I DON'T CARE
H: Want to go out?
I: Please just choose something
H: I like chocolate
I: NO, choose a real dinner
H: Why are you mean to me?

I am so lucky....